What is integrated water management?

Integrated water management (IWM) is, in a word, quite self-explanatory: it is managing water resources with a holistic approach. This means considering the environmental, social, and economic aspects of water consumption and ensuring that they are handled in a sustainable manner.
hydroelectric dam releasing water
IWM plays a vital role in ensuring that water resources are used efficiently and effectively while also being safeguarded for future generations, based on proper water-resource planning and management, as part of the crucial instrument for accomplishing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for All. 
IWM plays a vital role in ensuring that water resources are used efficiently and effectively while also being safeguarded for future generations, based on proper water-resource planning and management, as part of the crucial instrument for accomplishing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for All. 

Objectives of IMW

One of IWM’s primary objectives is to ensure that all water users have access to clean and safe water. This includes making sure there is enough water for drinking, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as agricultural and industrial applications. IWM also works to maintain and preserve the natural environment, including rivers, lakes, and wetlands critical to biodiversity and ecosystems.

Stakeholder engagement and IMW

IMW has a strong stakeholder interaction and engagement component. Relevant actors include local communities, water consumers, government agencies, water-resource planning and management. IWM can assist in promoting fair, transparent, and responsible water-management practices by incorporating stakeholders in decision-making processes.

Benefits of IWM

Open communication and transparent relationships are key when applying an IWM approach, as the main goal behind it is to ensure availability of water supply through sustainable use of water resources, making sure water is high-quality (minimise pollution), is treated efficiently –reduce water loss, improve irrigation and distribution systems—all the while promoting economic growth, supporting sustainable development in both urban and rural areas and aiding employment creation in the water sector.


With a collaborative approach and a full range of technical services, GHD delivers integrated and holistic solutions to urban, rural, and environmental water cycles. Learn more about IWM and GHD at Integrated Water Management — GHD.

Articles referenced

GHD 2022, ‘Integrated water management’, retrieved May 24, 2023, from https://www.ghd.com/en/expertise/integrated-water-management.aspx

United Nations n.d., ‘Integrated water resources management (IWRM)’, retrieved May 22, 2023, from https://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/iwrm.shtml United Nations Environment Programme n.d.,

‘What is integrated water resources management?’ retrieved May 22, 2023, from https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/disasters-conflicts/where-we-work/sudan/what-integrated-water-resources-management