GHD supporting Synergy to deliver Collie Battery Energy Storage System

Concept design illustrated by an artist. The final design will be reviewed during the detailed design phase and is subject to change.
GHD has been engaged by Synergy, a state-owned electricity generator and retailer in Western Australia, to support the Collie Battery Energy Storage System.

GHD has been engaged by Synergy, a state-owned electricity generator and retailer in Western Australia, to support the Collie Battery Energy Storage System (CBESS).

Concept design illustrated by an artist. Final design subject to change.

The CBESS project forms a crucial part of the Western Australian Government’s plan to retire all coal generation by 2030. When the first stage of CBESS is complete, it will be one of the biggest battery energy storage systems in the world, providing around 500 megawatts or 2000 megawatt hours of power when fully charged.

Key to Western Australia’s energy transition, CBESS is aligned with GHD’s Future Energy vision to work with our clients to lead the transition towards a future of affordable, reliable, secure and low-carbon energy.

The project will be delivered in an Integrated Project Management Team structure, comprising Synergy and GHD team members from diverse technical disciplines, collaborating since June 2023 to advance CBESS to its current stage.

As construction commences on CBESS, GHD’s Delivery Phase Services team will be co-located at Synergy’s office in Perth and on-site at Collie.

Our engagement on this critical project is the result of long-term engagement with Synergy when the Western Australian Government first announced their intentions to retire all coal generation.”
Jason Hyde, Project Director – Delivery Phase Services, GHD

“Under a program partnership approach, GHD has also supported Synergy with the delivery of both the Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System 1 and Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System 2. This experience has enabled our team to expedite the progress on CBESS,” Jason said.

Learn more about GHD’s work on the Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System Stage 1 and Stage 2.

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Acerca de GHD

GHD es una empresa líder de servicios profesionales que opera en los mercados mundiales de agua, energía y recursos, medio ambiente, infraestructura y edificaciones, y transporte. Comprometidos con la visión de lograr que el agua, la energía y las comunidades sean sostenibles para las futuras generaciones, GHD ofrece soluciones en asesoría, servicios digitales, de ingeniería, arquitectura, medio ambiente y para la construcción a clientes del sector público y privado. Fundada en 1928 y propiedad de sus trabajadores, GHD cuenta con una red de más de 11.000 profesionales conectados en más de 160 oficinas en cinco continentes.