How does climate change affect El Niño?
Climate change is a complex phenomenon that continues to have profound impacts on our planet.
Climate change is a complex phenomenon that continues to have profound impacts on our planet.
Nature itself can surprise us from time to time with extreme weather events.
Integrated water management is about managing water resources with a holistic approach.
Resilient water infrastructure is designed to withstand disruptions and maintain continuity.
The water cycle is the natural process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
The IPCC is responsible for assessing the science behind climate change.
Climate change affects every drop of water.
Direct potable reuse of water is gaining traction as a way to turn wastewater into a drinkable standard.
Hydrology is the study of water and its atmosphere.
Industrial water is what many industries produce in their processes and operations.
Aquifers are underground bodies of water that recharge naturally
Purified recycled water is treated wastewater thoroughly cleaned through advanced treatment processes.
Strategic water planning is a proactive and integrated approach to water-resource management.
Sustainable watershed management is an important technique for protecting water resources.
The impacts of climate change are already evident in various locations worldwide.
Green hydrogen is a special type of hydrogen that’s made using natural sources of clean energy.
Renewable energy is energy generated by natural resources
Understanding the many forms of greenhouse gas emissions and their environmental impact.
Net zero carbon is a condition in which the amount of carbon emissions produced into the atmosphere equals the amount removed.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions has climbed to the top priorities of many industries worldwide.
A voluntary carbon market is a marketplace for purchasing carbon offsets.
An electric vehicle (EV) is a type of vehicle that uses one or more electric motors.
Carbon dioxide capture harnesses CO2 emissions from industrial processes and power plants.
The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Corporate climate action refers to the measures taken by businesses to mitigate their environmental impact.
Digital transformation moves faster than we can keep up with it.
Cybersecurity is a process that safeguards computer systems, networks, data and information.
Digital resilience is an organisation’s strength and ability to adapt while effectively navigating challenges.
Digital transformation is the integration of digital technologies across all areas of an organisation.
A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical object or system, connecting both worlds.
Industry 4.0 refers to the manufacturing sector’s digital transformation.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is a concept coined by Klaus Schwab.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices, objects and systems.
Nature-based solutions (NBS) use natural features and processes to address societal challenges.
Social justice is an idea that promotes fairness, equality, and equity in all parts of society.
Blue-green infrastructure is a network of natural and semi-natural spaces meant to manage water sustainably.
Climate justice is the equal distribution of costs and benefits of climate-change mitigation and adaptation.
Community engagement is a key concept that emphasises the active participation and collaboration of individuals.
Community resilience refers to a community’s ability to successfully respond, adapt, and recover.
Environmental justice is a concept that tackles the equitable sharing of environmental benefits and responsibilities across various populations.
Food security is an essential component of human well-being.
A just transition is required to ensure the transition to a green economy and green energy is fair.
Social equity refers to the fair and equal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges within a community.
An ESG strategy is a plan to achieve long-term value and positive impact.
Sustainability is at the heart of circular economy, looking to alter consumption and production patterns.
Davos is a municipality in Switzerland, synonymous with the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Economic growth is the increase in a country’s output of commodities and services.
Recession refers to a country’s economic decline, characterised by a major slowdown in economic activity.
Strategy points to an overall goal, a superior purpose for an organisation.
Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) go hand in hand.
Resilience is the ability to jump back after a fall.
Design thinking is a strategy-making process of creating innovative solutions.
A strategic decision looks to affect a business outcome and position an organisation better than the competition.
A supply chain is a system of individuals or entities involved in creating and transporting a product or service.
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the overall market value of a country’s goods and services.
Inflation is the rise of prices on the country’s goods and services while decreasing purchasing power.
A value chain is a business model that refers to a company’s series of activities.
Business innovation is the ability to create or improve ways of doing business.