Maritime and Coastal Engineering

Maritime developments often pose unique challenges. They must be sensitively designed, attractive, functional, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. The design must take into account coastal processes, including the effects of severe storms and elevated water levels, winds, tides, and currents.
container cargo ship at a dock
GHD provides services in preliminary planning and feasibility studies, investigations, stakeholder consultation, permits and approvals, design development, documentation, and supervision of construction of maritime facilities, to assist our clients to achieve optimal outcomes for their projects.
Maritime developments often pose unique challenges. They must be sensitively designed, attractive, functional, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. 

A shift in the marine environment and changing user needs mean upgrades and refurbishments are a priority for our clients. In addition, legislative requirements are now demanding risk assessment, risk management plans and sea level rise assessments are undertaken for many coastal assets.

We understand that efficiency, profitability and sustained interest from trade customers are essential aspects for a port to maintain results.

Port expansions and upgrades are often required to meet these dynamic demands. Management of ageing port assets, including remediation, is a key requirement in ensuring port productivity and safety.

We help port authorities, asset owners and operators involved in bulk ports, container terminals and general cargo terminals, achieve ongoing success.

We assist clients in the control of shoreline erosion, to defend against sea level rise, in the development of navigation channels and harbours, and for coastal recreation provision.
