
Future of Water

Responding to a rapidly changing world
Responding to a rapidly changing world

In an ever-changing world, we know you face mounting pressure to deliver more for your communities.

Shifting customer expectations, climate change, population growth, ESG demands and digital disruption require new ideas, new approaches and new solutions. Together with our clients, we are thinking and doing things differently to meet these challenges head-on.

That's where Future of Water comes in. It's our commitment to help you pre-empt and prepare for what's next. A commitment to collaborate and co-create, so you can face the future with confidence and conviction.

Shaping a positive future, together

With an eye to the future and an open mind, we've listened to our clients and partners to reimagine our business, bolster our services and better serve our communities. Through the co-creation of new innovation solutions, we're deepening our expertise and developing new capabilities, so you can make informed decisions amid unprecedented complexity and rapid change with agility.

We can't fully predict the future – but we can learn from our past, to help you lead from the front.

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Paving the way to equitable water for our communities 

This video podcast is packed with thought-provoking ideas and practical insights that are essential for anyone committed to the future of water equity and sustainability.
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Embracing technology

GHD professional testing water

Smart technologies, advancements in harnessing data and cultures set for rapid innovation are setting the stage for industry-wide transformation. Our trusted water clients and partners have told us they want to explore opportunities to thoughtfully leverage new digital solutions to deliver improvements, save money and drive community and environmental outcomes.

To help, we're constantly scanning the market for trends, testing new technologies and creating innovative solutions – solutions that will drive change, maximise efficiency, reduce risk and strengthen the security of your assets.

Together, we will future-proof your business and provide long lasting community benefit through better engagement, awareness and transparency with your customers.

We need targeted and selective digitisation… a deliberate digital strategy.
General Manager of water infrastructure - Philippines
GHD DTO program interface

Digital Twinning Online (DTO)

Spend less time finding your data and more time on your assets with GHD Digital Twinning Online (DTO). It’s a low-cost, high-speed collaboration platform that delivers the benefits of your Digital Twin investments across your organisation – on demand and in real-time. 
Explore GHD DTO
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Infrastructure Development Geospatial Options (InDeGO)

A robust method that quantitatively assesses and evaluates complex constraints to inform spatially dependent infrastructure decisions. By integrating spatial processes and multi-criteria analysis (MCA), InDeGO offers a clear and systematic approach for site / corridor selection and risk assessments.
Explore InDeGO
water software testing

EVS: Water Software

EVS: Water is a suite of tools addressing both water process design and plant operation optimization for entire water treatment plants. At present, no other modelling or design tools offer this integrated, whole-of-plant approach.
Explore EVS: Water

Cybersecurity in water

Water systems are considered critical infrastructure that supports essential services such as drinking water, sanitation, irrigation and power generation. These systems are increasingly interconnected via technology making them potentially vulnerable to cyber threats.
Read the full report

Strategic integrated solutions

water purification tank

There are many forces driving industry change. When asked, our clients said that this change is accelerating and less certain than ever before, making long-term planning an even greater challenge.

In response, we're taking an integrated approach, developing new ways of managing disparate water systems and addressing water management challenges across urban, industrial, rural and natural water cycles.

We will come closer to an integrated water cycle... so in future, people will start to understand you can't talk about water in isolation.”

CEO of water utility in Australia
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Adaptive Pathways Planning

GHD’s Adaptive Pathways Planning is a proactive approach that can help you craft innovative solutions that can be implemented when needed.
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Blue Green Infrastructure

Collaborate with GHD technical consultants and discover how our adaptable strategy for infrastructure development can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and to contribute to your ESG goals.
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surfer riding the waves

Strategic Water Planning

Working hand-in-hand with our clients, we will create resilient and responsive planning solutions that address environmental, cultural and social forces.
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water treatment plant

Circular Economy

The water industry is inherently circular – biosolid and waste-to-energy solutions have been operational for decades. Now, new thinking has the potential to apply circular principles throughout the lifecycle of operations and beyond, connecting the water industry to local economies to unlock more sustainable, whole-of-community outcomes.
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woman drinking a glass of water

Off-Grid and Distributed

Our clients have told us that opportunities to leverage off-grid solutions are becoming increasingly attractive due to environmental, economic and demographic drivers. Through our Off-grid and Distributed solution, we will explore decentralised water, sewerage, waste and energy systems for public and private sector.
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Aquanomics explores the economics of water risk and resilience across seven countries and five sectors. Our research reveals that droughts, floods and storms could result in a total loss of USD5.6 trillion to GDP between 2022 and 2050.
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Those who do it right – they try, they fail, they learn.”
Director of water utility - Canada

Your trusted partner

The Future of Water is constantly evolving; we’ve been helping clients stay at the forefront of the sector for more than 90 years. History has taught us that with great change comes great opportunity – opportunity we’re here to help you unlock.

With a strategic, consultative approach and digital smarts, we bring a global perspective and leading expertise to your local context. We explore new, creative approaches and new, collaborative partnerships with you, to deliver long-lasting social, cultural, environmental and economic benefit.

Truly meaningful partnerships with our clients today will define how communities experience and relate to water in tomorrow's world.”
Sonia Adams - GHD Chief Client Officer

Future of Water is our promise to partner with you. Together, we will achieve positive water outcomes that respect nature and nurture communities.

Our changemakers