Project selection standard

Mount Cass Wind Farm

General project selection standard

GHD will:

  • promote and support engagement with traditional custodians where projects interact with cultural heritage.
  • promote and support work to preserve ecosystem values where projects interact with sites recognised by Ramsar, World Heritage or International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) biodiversity designations.
  • implement the necessary measures to ensure respect for human rights* in our project work and will not knowingly participate in projects that violate human rights of impacted stakeholders.
  • only seek work and participate in projects that we believe have high standards of corporate ethics, with complete integrity and “zero tolerance” towards unethical business practices.
  • require that suppliers act in a similar manner in accordance with GHD’s Vendor Code of Conduct.
General project selection standard

Fossil fuels project selection guidelines

Please note: All projects still require consideration of any unacceptable cultural heritage, ecological, human rights or integrity impacts or concerns, or otherwise that could present a risk to GHD.

Coal mining

Coal mining town

Projects we will consider:

  • Metallurgical coal mines
  • Coal mine closure and repurposing projects
  • Maintenance and optimisation of existing thermal coal mines, including activities that improve their environmental performance
  • Brownfield thermal coal projects that support the delivery of low carbon energy solutions

Projects we will seek to avoid:

  • Greenfield thermal coal mines
  • Brownfield thermal coal mine expansions other than in support of low carbon energy solutions

Coal fired power stations

industrial smoke

Projects we will consider:

  • Maintenance and optimisation of existing coal-fired power stations, including activities that improve their environmental performance
  • Coal-fired power station closure and repurposing

Projects we will seek to avoid:

  • New coal-fired power stations
  • Expansion of existing coal-fired power stations


Oil storage tanks

Projects we will consider:

  • Small-scale diesel generation facilities for emergency supply backup or remote communities
  • Maintenance and optimisation of existing oil-fired power stations, including activities that improve their environmental performance
  • Maintenance and optimisation of existing oil production facilities
  • Oil-fired power station closure and repurposing

Projects we will seek to avoid:

  • Greenfield oil exploration or production, including unconventional and conventional oil
  • New oil-fired power stations
  • Expansion of existing oil-fired power stations
  • Expansion of oil production facilities

Natural gas

natural gas flame

Projects we will consider:

In the short to medium term, we will continue to work on natural gas projects, including conventional gas and unconventional gas exploration & production and gas-fired power stations, as an essential component of our fuel mix as we transition to renewable sources.


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