Climate and Sustainability

Climate change is a complex risk to business and the community. Exceedingly technical science, inconsistent and varying regulations, uncertainties about the timing and scale of hazards, and expectations of the community and shareholders combine to make responding to climate change very challenging.
super cell storm cloud

Climate change is expected to result in many environmental changes, including increasing intensity and frequency of storms, decreasing snow cover, earlier and more frequent snowmelt, changes in the hydrological regime and water cycle, increasing frequency and magnitude of floods and storm surges, sea level rise, coastal flooding and erosion, saltwater intrusion, range shifts in flora and fauna, ecosystem changes, and increasing risk of forest fires.

Climate change is a complex risk to business and the community. Exceedingly technical science, inconsistent and varying regulations, uncertainties about the timing and scale of hazards, and expectations of the community and shareholders combine to make responding to climate change very challenging.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation is one of the most important issues facing governments and organisations today.  New engineering solutions are required to minimize negative impacts of climate change and ensure public safety and sustainable economic growth.  GHD offers climate change modelling, impact analysis, risk and vulnerability studies, and adaptation and mitigation services to provide our clients with proactive solutions to adapt to the changing climate. Our teams work with organisations  to identify and understand both the strategic risk and opportunity presented by possible long-term global impacts.

We understand the importance of taking early action and positioning companies to manage and respond to potential future changes in climate. Our connected global network of engineers, scientists, risk professionals, planners, economists, and social strategists deliver comprehensive climate risk, and energy and greenhouse gas management services to enable efficient and sustainable business practices.

Our services include:

  • Adaptation strategies and planning for resilient coastal communities
  • Carbon solutions (footprinting, life cycle, capture, storage, farming)
  • Climate change modeling
  • Climate variability, risk assessment and management
  • Consideration of emerging legislative frameworks
  • Data monitoring and analysis
  • Design storm/flood updating
  • Energy efficiency, fuel switching and renewable energy
  • Environmental impacts
  • Greenhouse gas emissions measurement, reduction, and reporting
  • Greenhouse gas emissions verification and validation*
  • Infrastructure risk and vulnerability studies
  • Insurance loss and risks
  • Investor-reporting and new market evaluation
  • Sustainable water reuse
  • Urban flood management

*GHD completes a thorough conflict of interest check before proposing to provide validation or verification services for a greenhouse gas claim (e.g. a client's report or offset).  GHD does not provide greenhouse gas consulting and verification services for the same claim.
