What is digital resilience?

Digital resilience is an organisation’s strength  and ability to adapt while effectively navigating and overcoming challenges brought about by disruptions, utilising the capabilities of digital technologies.
person typing on a keyboard
It entails the seamless integration of advanced digital technologies and optimised processes, forming a robust digital framework that fosters organisational security, flexibility, and efficiency.
It entails the seamless integration of advanced digital technologies and optimised processes, forming a robust digital framework that fosters organisational security, flexibility, and efficiency.

Why building digital resilience matters

The COVID-19 pandemic proved that digital technologies are essential for preparing for and facing disruptions. Many organisations have recognised that embracing digital transformation is key to sustaining business operations and ensuring service provision in an ever-changing landscape. However, , digital transformation is not without risk,  such as cyberattacks and data breaches, as well as its own set of regulatory compliance and competitive pressures. Consequently, businesses must build digital resilience if they plan on surviving in the current and future landscape. 

How GHD is harnessing digital transformation

As a professional services company, aside from our focus on engineering, architecture, environmental and construction services, we at GHD also have a dedicated digital transformation business called GHD Digital, which can help you unlock innovation, embrace the future and change communities for good.

GHD Digital has a diverse and talented team of more than 600 professionals, including data scientists, design thinkers, immersive digital consultants, project managers and innovators. With the combined global and local expertise of GHD’s 10,000 engineering, construction and design experts, we take a role by your side, helping you navigate and solve complex challenges with advanced technology.

One example of our work is a project we undertook for Urban Utilities in Queensland, Australia, where we successfully reduced Operational Expenditure (OpEx) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by developing a data-driven, optimised maintenance strategy. This project resulted in significant annual savings, reduced risks and improved data quality, setting Urban Utilities on a path for sustainable improvement.

By undertaking this project, we have demonstrated our commitment to fostering digital resilience and enabling our clients to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Articles referenced

Pearce, Guy 2022, ‘Data resilience is the cornerstone of digital resilience’, retrieved June 1, 2023, from https://www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/isaca-now-blog/2022/data-resilience-is-the-cornerstone-of-digital-resilience

World Economic Forum 2021, ‘How digital transformation can build more resilient businesses’, retrieved June 1, 2023, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/digital-transformation-business-resilience-cyber/

World Economic Forum 2022, ‘Digital resilience: Building the economies of tomorrow on a foundation of cybersecurity’, retrieved June 1, 2023, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/digital-resilience-building-the-economies-of-tomorrow-on-a-foundation-of-cybersecurity