Wastewater Treatment and Recycling

Scarcity of resources and sustainability goals are driving major global changes to the way water authorities are operating. 
modern wastewater treatment system
Sustainable treatment of wastewater and biosolids management practices can play a major role in allowing authorities to meet current cost-effective treatment and community expectations. 
Sustainable treatment of wastewater and biosolids management practices can play a major role in allowing authorities to meet current cost-effective treatment and community expectations. 

This can be achieved through:

  • Treatment of wastewater to enable re-use - this might involve non-potable direct, indirect reuse or irrigation of agricultural or municipal land holdings, and dependent on site, and proximity and effluent quality.
  • Biosolids management to enable beneficial use of final product
  • N-E-W (Nutrients - Energy - Water) paradigm - potential to provide high quality resource recovery, as well as generation of power and heat to offset the energy requirement of wastewater treatment
  • Odour management (and corrosion control) for assets

GHD has a long history of delivering performance reviews, augmentation, planning and design of new wastewater treatment plants globally, and providing innovative, cost-effective and practical solutions. We work closely with clients to investigate, plan, design, and oversee the construction and start-up of facilities that treat wastewater. We also collaborate with technical associations, universities, research organisations and regulatory agencies to maintain industry leadership and active engagement in the latest developments in wastewater treatment, odour control and biosolids management.

Our team has first-hand experience with state-of-the-art technologies, such as MBR's, RO, thermal hydrolysis and advanced anaerobic digestion, and trial programs for water resource recovery and energy generation.

We have extensive experience and capabilities in all aspects of wastewater management and strategic development and implementation including:

  • Water cycle management, including water use minimisation and recycling of effluent for municipal and industrial applications
  • Treatment technology design, incorporating physical / chemical, biological treatment, natural process, membranes, disinfection
  • Residuals management, including stabilisation and dewatering, hazardous wastes
  • Feasibility studies, incorporating investigations, modelling, mass balances, risk and life cycle assessment
  • Environmental, water quality management review and program development
  • Odour, air pollution control assessment and design
  • Greenhouse gas assessment and reporting
  • Alternatives analysis, concept / process design
  • Detailed design
  • Construction phase engineering services
  • Operational troubleshooting, maintenance and commissioning
  • Regulatory assistance

GHD has the skills to tailor solutions that will achieve the best outcome for our clients. We help to define a strategy for wastewater, shifting the focus toward resource recovery and sustainable environmental management, for lasting community benefit.

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